Can TSS (Old) 482 Visa applications that meet specialist skills be re-submitted under the SID for faster processing?

One of the most common questions we receive about the 482 Skill in Demand Visa is:
Q: Can TSS (Old) 482 Visa applications that meet specialist skills be re-submitted under the SID for faster processing?
A: Yes! According to the official website, the current processing time is between 4 to 11 days. However, the application must be a Decision-Ready Application, which essentially means it includes all required materials, documentation, and evidence that are well-organized, complete, and specifically selected to assist the officer in processing the application. Additionally, the VAC and other fees are non-refundable.
At AMS, we don’t just help with preparing all necessary documents – we also assist in selecting the right materials based on our professionalism and over 20 years of experience in the migration field. 
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