Visa and Migration

Education and Training Visas



This visa is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year. It is a temporary visa that encourages cultural exchange and closer ties between Australia and eligible partner countries.

Working in Australia:

Six months with one employer - You can generally only work six months with one employer


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • Are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
  • Don't have a dependent child with you at any time during your stay in Australia
  • Have a passport from: Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, People's Republic of China, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Uruguay, Vietnam

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 7 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 19 days


This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study full-time in a recognised education institution. You can study a CRICOS registered full-time course in Australia. Eligible family members can accompany you to Australia.


You must have:

  • Applied for and been accepted to study in a registered full-time course at an educational institution in Australia
  • Organised appropriate welfare arrangements for the duration of your intended stay in Australia if you are under 18 years of age.


From 1 July 2016, there will be only one student visa available to study in Australia – the Student visa (subclass 500). After 1 July 2016, if you want to study in Australia, you will need to apply for the Student visa (subclass 500) regardless of your field of study.

If you hold a student visa with subclass numbers 570 to 576, your visa will remain valid and your visa conditions will not change after 1 July 2016.

After 1 July 2016, family members of Student visa holders (subclasses 570-576) will need to apply for a subclass 500 visa if they want to join a family member in Australia.



The Training visa (subclass 407) is for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to participate in occupational training or professional development.

There are three types of occupational training (nomination eligibility types) covered by this visa:

  • workplace-based training required for registration
  • structured workplace-based training to enhance skills in an eligible occupation
  • training that promotes capacity building overseas

Occupational training required for registration

This type of occupational training is for people who are required to undertake workplace-based training to obtain registration, membership or licensing in Australia, or their home country, in order to work in their occupation.

Occupational training to enhance skills in an eligible occupation

This type of occupational training is for people with recent and suitable experience in the nominated occupation, who are seeking to undertake a structured workplace-based training programme in relation to an occupation specified in the list of eligible skilled occupations.

Occupational training for capacity building overseas

This type of occupational training includes the following categories:

  • Overseas qualification - This category enables students who are currently enrolled in a foreign educational institution and who are required to complete a period of practical training, research or observation to obtain their qualification, the opportunity to undertake up to six months structured workplace-based training in Australia.
  • Government support - This category allows for structured workplace-based occupational training which has the support of a government agency in Australia or the government in the home country of the nominated trainee.
  • professional development - This category enables overseas employers to send their managerial or professional employees to Australia to undertake a tailored professional development programme of face-to-face teaching in a classroom or similar environment.

Note: Workplace-based occupational training (not including professional development) must be for at least 30 hours a week, of which no more than 30 per cent can be classroom-based.


    You might be eligible for this visa if:

  • you are sponsored by an organisation:
  • who is an approved temporary activities sponsor
  • an existing training and research sponsor or a professional development sponsor provides sponsorship where your application is lodged on or before 18 May 2017
  • the occupational training is provided directly by the sponsor (unless an exemption exists)
  • the occupational training meets the criteria for one of the nomination eligibility types.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 63 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 90 days

Skilled Migration Visas



This visa is for international students who have recently graduated from an Australian educational institution.

It lets you stay in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. Students are only able to access the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) once as a primary applicant.


  • Graduate Work stream – for international students with an eligible qualification who graduate with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). A visa in this stream is granted for 18 months from the date of grant.
  • Post-Study Work stream – for international students who graduate with a higher education degree from an Australian education provider, regardless of their field of study. This stream is only available to students who applied for, and were granted, their first student visa to Australia on or after 5 November 2011. A visa in this stream can be granted for up to four years from the date the visa is granted, depending on the visa applicant's qualification.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if you:

  • are younger than 50 years of age
  • are in Australia
  • hold an eligible visa
  • meet the Australian study requirement
  • have recently graduated with either an eligible qualification or with skills and qualifications that relate to an occupation on the skilled occupation list (SOL).

Processing Times

Graduate Work

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 5 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 6 months

Post-Study Work

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 71 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 90 days


This visa is for points-tested skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member or nominated by a state or territory government.

It allows you to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident. To be able to apply for this visa you need to submit an expression of interest (EOI) and then be invited through SkillSelect to apply.

You can be in or outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is granted.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if invited. When we sent your letter of invitation, you must also have:

  • nominated an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list (SOL)
  • obtained a suitable skills assessment for that occupation
  • not yet turned 50 years of age.
  • achieved the score specified in your letter of invitation based on the factors in the points test.
  • at least competent English.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 4 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 6 months


This visa is for points-tested skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory government agency.

It allows you to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident. To be able to apply for this visa you need to submit an expression of interest (EOI) and then be invited through SkillSelect to apply.

You can be in or outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is granted.


You might be eligible to apply for this visa if you were invited. When we sent you your letter of invitation, you must also have:

  • nominated an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list (SOL)
  • obtained a suitable skills assessment for that occupation
  • not yet turned 50 years of age
  • achieved the score specified in your letter of invitation based on the factors in the points test
  • at least competent English
  • been nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 4 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 7 months


This is a permanent visa is for people who have an eligible visa and have lived for at least two years and worked for at least one year in a specified regional area. You must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when the visa is granted.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • are in Australia
  • hold a
    • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489)
    • Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495)
    • Skilled Designated Area Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 496)
    • Skilled Regional Sponsored visa (subclass 475 or 487)
    • Bridging visa A or Bridging visa B after applying for a subclass 495, 487 or 489 visa
  • have lived in a specified regional area of Australia for at least two years
  • have worked full time in a specified regional area for at least one year
  • meet health and character requirements.

Processing Times

You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 7 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 10 months


This visa allows skilled workers to live and work in specified regional areas in Australia.

For the Invited Pathway - Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).

For family members of someone who already holds a subclass 491 visa - Apply for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Subsequent Entrant (subclass 491) visa.


Invited Pathway

You might be eligible to apply for this visa if invited. When we sent your letter of invitation, you must also have:

  • been nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or sponsored by an eligible relative living in a designated area
  • nominated an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupations list
  • a suitable skills assessment for that occupation
  • not yet turned 45 years of age
  • achieved the score specified in your letter of invitation based on the factors in the points test

Family Visas



This visa lets parents live in Australia for up to two years if they are the parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia.

This visa is temporary and cannot be extended or renewed. After arriving in Australia, you have two years to apply for a Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143). In this way, you can spread the costs of the Contributory Parent migration over a number of years.

Most applicants must be sponsored by their child.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • have a child who is:
    • an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen
    • lawfully resident in Australia for at least two years (a shorter period can be considered for Australian citizens if there are compelling and compassionate circumstances)
  • have a sponsor
  • meet the balance of family test
  • meet health and character requirements.

Processing Times:

  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 32 months


This visa lets parents live permanently in Australia if their child is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia.


You might be able to get a permanent Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 143) if you either:

  • Hold a temporary Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173)
  • Have a child who is:
    • an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen
    • settled in Australia
  • meet the balance-of-family test
  • have an accepted assurance of support
  • meet health and character requirements.

Processing Times

  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 33 months


The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) allows you to live in Australia if you are the spouse or de facto partner of:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident
  • an eligible New Zealand citizen.

In some circumstances the visa can be granted where your partner relationship has ended.

The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided.

You lodge one application form for your temporary and permanent visas and pay one application charge. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.


To get this visa, you must be married to or in a de facto relationship with an:

  • Australian citizen
  • Australian permanent resident
  • eligible New Zealand citizen.

You must be in a genuine and ongoing relationship. You must live with your partner or, if you do not, any separation must be only temporary. Both parties must freely consent to the relationship.

Married applicants

Your marriage must be valid under Australian law. Underage, polygamous and same-sex marriages are not legal in Australia. The marriage could be valid under limited circumstances if one person is younger than 18 years of age. Same-sex couples can apply for this visa based on their de facto relationship.

De facto applicants

Usually your de facto relationship must have existed for at least 12 months immediately before you apply for this visa. Time spent dating does not count towards a de facto relationship.

You can be granted a visa without having been in a de facto relationship for 12 months if:

  • you can demonstrate compelling and compassionate circumstances, such as having dependent children
  • your partner has been granted a permanent humanitarian visa and your de facto relationship existed before it was granted, and you told us about the relationship before the visa was granted
  • your de facto relationship has been registered in Australia (this is not available in all states and territories).

You must also be older than 18 years of age and not be related to your partner by family. This means you cannot be an ancestor or descendant of one another, or have a parent in common.

You must be in Australia when you apply.

Processing Times

820 – Temporary visa

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 18 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 20 months

801 – Permanent visa

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 16 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 20 months


The Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100). You lodge only one application for your temporary and permanent visas and pay one application charge. Your application is processed in two stages, about two years apart.

You must be outside Australia when you apply and also when the Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) is granted.

You can be in or outside Australia when Partner visa (subclass 100) is granted.

You must be outside Australia and married or in a de facto relationship with:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident
  • an eligible New Zealand citizen

You must be in a genuine and ongoing relationship. You must live with your partner or, if you do not, any separation must be only temporary.

Both parties must freely consent to the relationship.

You can apply if you intend to marry your partner before a decision on your visa is made.

In most cases, permanent residence cannot be granted less than two years from when you lodge your application.

You might be able to get this visa if you are married to or in a de facto relationship with an:

  • Australian citizen
  • Australian permanent resident
  • eligible New Zealand citizen.

You must be outside Australia when you apply.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 11 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 15 months


The Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) is for people who want to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse.

It is a temporary visa for nine months. You must be outside Australia when you lodge your application and when the visa is granted. You can have the wedding in any country: the wedding does not need to be in Australia.


You might be able to get this visa if you intend to marry:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident
  • an eligible New Zealand citizen.

You must:

  • intend to marry and live as husband or wife with your prospective spouse
  • be sponsored by your prospective spouse
  • know your prospective spouse and have met in person
  • be the opposite sex to your prospective spouse (same-sex couples can apply for a Partner visa based on their de facto relationship)
  • meet age, health and character requirements.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 12 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 17 months
CHILD VISA (sc 101)


A Child visa (subclass 101) lets an eligible parent sponsor their child to live in Australia indefinitely. The parent can apply on behalf of a child younger than 18 years of age.

An eligible parent is:

  • an Australian citizen
  • the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa
  • an eligible New Zealand citizen.

The child must be outside Australia when the application is lodged and when the application is decided.


This visa is for a child who is:

  • applying outside Australia
  • sponsored by their parent or their parent's partner
  • single
  • younger than 18 years of age, or:
    • a full-time student between 18 and 25 years of age, or
    • 18 or older and unable to work due to a disability and dependent on the sponsoring parent.

The child can include their own dependent children in this application.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 9 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 15 months


The Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115) is a permanent visa for people who want to live in Australia to be with their only near relatives.

Your application must be made outside Australia and you must be outside Australia when the visa is granted.


You might be eligible for this visa if:

  • your (and your partner's) only near relatives live in Australia
  • an eligible near relative or their partner will sponsor you and all family members included as applicants in your application
  • you have someone who will provide an assurance of support
  • you and your family members meet health and character requirements.

Work Visas

Skills in Demand (sc 482/SID)


Skill in Demand (SID) visa allows holders to work in Australia provided that there is a nominated occupation by an approved employer. SID visa holders can work in Australia in their nominated occupation for their approved sponsor under one of three streams:
 the Core Skills stream
 the Specialist Skills stream
 the Labour Agreement stream.


  • Core Skills stream: This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) on a temporary basis only in occupations listed on the Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) for a SID visa - see lists of eligible skilled occupations. It can be used to fill positions for a maximum of:
     four years
     five years if you are a Hong Kong passport holder
  • Specialist Skills Stream: This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas skilled worker) for periods of up to four years in occupations listed in Major Groups 1,2,4,5, or 6 with the Specialist Skills Income Threshold (At least $135,000) being fulfilled
  • Labour agreement stream: This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you and has entered into a labour agreement with the Department – see labour agreements.


  • have been nominated for a position by an approved sponsor and that nomination has been approved
  • meet any required skills and qualifications requirements including completing any skills assessments required
  • have at least 1 years work experience in your nominated occupation or related field (Can be accumulated from Part-time or Casual experiences).
  • meet English language requirements
  • if in Australia, hold a substantive visa, or a subclass 010 (Bridging A) visa, a subclass 020 (Bridging B) visa or a Subclass 030 (Bridging C) visa
  • have substantially complied with any conditions that apply or applied to your last visa
  • meet health and character requirements
  • meet the requirements of the stream in which you apply.
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (sc 494)


This visa is a provisional visa for skilled workers who want to work in regional Australia. It allows you to work in Australia under one of two streams:

  • Employer Sponsored stream
  • Labour agreement stream


    • Employer Sponsored stream:

You may be available if your employer wishes to sponsor you for up to 5 years and have :

 3  years of work experiences in the occupation that they have nominated you for; and
 have a relevant skills assessment unless exempts applies

Work for only your sponsors unless exempts applies

Be under 45 years old

Meet minimum English requirements


Labour Agreement Streams:

 The above requirements apply for Labour Agreement streams except the specified occupations has to be under the terms of a labour agreement



​This visa is a permanent residence visa for skilled workers. It allows you to work in Australia under following streams:

  • Temporary Residence Transition stream
  • Direct Entry stream


  • Temporary Residence Transition stream:
  • You are eligible if your employer wishes to sponsor you for permanent residence and you hold either of the following:
     Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482)- in the medium-term stream unless transitional agreements apply
     Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (subclass 457)- not granted under labour agreement arrangements or
     Related associated Bridging visa.
    And have worked for your employer full-time in Australia on your TSS and/or subclass 457 visa(s) for at least:
     Three out of the previous four years (before the nomination is made) in the same position that they have nominated you for; or
     Two out of the previous three years before the nomination is made, if transitional arrangements apply because you either held, or were an applicant for, a subclass 457 visa (which was subsequently granted) on 18 April 2017

  • Direct Entry stream:
  • If you do not meet the requirements under the TRT stream, this stream may then be available if
    your employer wishes to sponsor you for permanent residence.


  • be nominated by an approved Australian employer
  • be under 45 years of age
  • meet the skills, qualifications and English language requirements
  • meet the other requirements of one of the streams of this visa.
  • Meet health and character requirements

Processing Times

  • Temporary Residence Transition stream: 75% of applications processed in 11 months, 90% of applications processed in 12 months.
  • Direct Entry stream: 75% of applications processed in 9 months, 90% of applications processed in 12 months


This visa is for people who want to travel to Australia to:

  • do short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
  • in limited circumstances, participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interests.

Generally the stay period allowed is up to three months but up to six months may be considered in limited circumstances if supported by a strong business case.


You might be eligible for this visa if you:

  • have specialised skills, knowledge or experience that can assist Australian business, or
  • are required in Australia for exceptional circumstances of national importance, such as to assist following a natural disaster.

You must be outside Australia when you apply for this visa and at the time your visa application is decided.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 8 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 18 days


This visa allows you to come to Australia on a temporary basis:

  • in relation to a bilateral agreement (Government Agreement stream)
  • to represent a foreign government or to teach a foreign language in an Australian school (Foreign Government Agency stream)
  • to do domestic work for a diplomat (Domestic Worker stream)
  • as a person with statutory privileges and immunities (Privileges and Immunities stream)
  • to participate in the program of seasonal work (Seasonal Worker Program stream).


You might be able to get this visa if:

  • you meet the requirements for one of the streams within this visa.

Processing Times

Government Agreement

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 25 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 37 days

Foreign Government Agency

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 15 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 34 days

Seasonal Worker Programme

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 9 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in15 days


This visa allows you to come to Australia on a temporary basis to:

  • work in the entertainment industry
  • participate in activities at the invitation of an Australian organisation
  • participate or observe in an Australian research project
  • work in a skilled position under a staff exchange arrangement
  • participate in high-level sports competitions or sports training programs
  • participate in a special programme approved by the department that provides opportunities for youth exchange, cultural enrichment or community benefits
  • do full-time religious work
  • be employed as a superyacht crew member
  • do full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives
  • participate in a government endorsed event.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • are supported by an organisation or individual in Australia to undertake a specific activity and you:
    • apply outside Australia; and
    • intend to stay in Australia for three months or less
  • are sponsored by an approved sponsor to undertake a specific activity and you:
    • apply in Australia or
    • apply outside Australia and intend to stay in Australia for more than three months

Business Visas



The Business Talent visa (subclass 132) is a permanent residence visa for business people who are nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency.

This visa allows you to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia. It has two streams:

  • Significant Business History stream: for high-calibre business owners or part-owners who want to do business in Australia
  • Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream: for people who have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL).


You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory government agency and are invited to apply by the minister.

You must also either:

  • have net business and personal assets of at least AUD1.5 million and an annual business turnover of at least AUD3 million if you intend to apply for the visa in the Significant Business History stream, or
  • have obtained at least AUD1 million in venture capital funding to start the commercialisation and development of a high-value business idea in Australia if you intend to apply for the visa in the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream.


The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) is part of the Business Innovation and Investment Programme.

You must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect and be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government before being invited to apply for this visa.

Holding this visa is the first stage before becoming eligible to qualify for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888).


  • Business Innovation stream: for people with business skills who want to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government.
  • Investor stream: for people who want to make a designated investment of at least AUD1.5million in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government.
  • Significant Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD5million into complying significant investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants can be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government.
  • Premium Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD15million into complying premium investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by Austrade on behalf of the Australian government.
  • Entrepreneur stream: for people who have a funding agreement from a third party for at least AUD200 000 to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity that is proposed to lead to either the commercialisation of a product or service in Australia or the development of a business in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government.


You might be able to get this visa if:

  • you are nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government
  • you are invited to apply
  • you (and all members of your family unit ) meet certain health and character requirements
  • you meet the additional requirements for the stream in which you apply.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 16 months
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 18 months


This visa allows you to:

  • continue to own and manage a business in Australia (the Business Innovation stream)
  • continue business and investment activity in Australia (the Investor stream, the Significant Investor stream and the Premium Investor stream)
  • continue entrepreneurial activity in Australia (Entrepreneur stream).


You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory or the Australian government; and

  • hold a provisional Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188) and have met the requirements of that visa


  • hold a Special Category visa (subclass 444) and have met the requirements of the business innovation stream.

Tourist and Work Holiday Visas



This visa lets you visit Australia:

  • to visit or for business visitor purposes
  • for up to three, six or 12 months.

The base application charge for this visa ranges from AUD135 to AUD1000.

The eVisitor (subclass 651) visa is free. You must be a passport holder of a certain country.

The Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) visa has an AUD20 service charge. You must be a passport holder of a certain country.


You might be able to get this visa if you are travelling to Australia:

  • as a visitor
  • for business visitor activities
  • to visit family
  • on a tour with a registered travel agent from the People’s Republic of China.

If you are in Australia you can apply for the Tourist stream of the Visitor visa online provided you currently have a valid visa that does not have condition 8503 imposed.

If you are outside Australia only certain passport holders can apply for this visa online.

If you hold a passport from the People's Republic of China and are applying from within China you might be able to apply for the Visitor Visa (subclass 600) Frequent Traveller stream visa.

Processing Times


  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 20 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 30 days

Sponsored family

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 41 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 58 days

Business visitor

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 6 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 15 days

Approved Destination Status

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 3 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 5 days

Frequent traveller

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 5 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 12 days


This visa is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year. It is a temporary visa that encourages cultural exchange and closer ties between Australia and eligible countries.

First Working Holiday visa

You must be outside Australia when you apply for your first Working Holiday visa and when the visa is decided.

Second Working Holiday visa

If you apply in Australia, you must be in Australia when the visa is granted. If you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when the visa is granted.

Working in Australia

Six months with one employer - You can generally only work six months with one employer.


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • have not previously entered Australia on a Work and Holiday (Temporary) visa (subclass 462)
  • hold a valid passport from a country involved in the Working Holiday Program with Australia
  • have turned 18 years of age but have not yet turned 31
  • are a genuine visitor who wants to have a holiday in Australia
  • have enough money to support yourself on a working holiday (about AUD 5000)
  • have enough money to buy a return or onward travel ticket at the end of your stay
  • will not be accompanied by dependent children at any time during your stay.

Countries involved in Working Holiday Program include Belgium, Canada, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (including British National Overseas passport holders), Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Tainwan and United Kingdom.

Processing Times

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 14 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 34 days

Special Category Visas



The Special Category visa (subclass 444) is a temporary visa that lets you stay and work in Australia as long as you remain a New Zealand citizen.


You might be able to get this visa on your arrival to Australia if you:

  • are a New Zealand citizen and you do not hold another visa
  • present a New Zealand passport that is in force
  • are not a behaviour concern non-citizen or health concern non-citizen.

You must meet certain health requirements.



This visa allows a non-New Zealand family member of a New Zealand citizen to live and work in Australia for up to five years.


You might be able to get this visa if:

  • you are not a New Zealand citizen
  • you are a member of the family unit of a New Zealand citizen
  • your New Zealand citizen family member is living in Australia on a Special Category visa (subclass 444) or will be travelling with you to Australia and will be granted a Special Category visa (subclass 444) on arrival.

You must be related to the New Zealand citizen as one of the following:

  • their partner
  • their child/step-child or their partner’s child/step-child
  • the dependent child of you or your partner's child/step-child.
RESIDENT RETURN VISA (sc 155 and 157)


This visa is for:

  • current or former Australian permanent residents
  • former Australian citizens.

It allows you to travel overseas and return to Australia as a permanent resident. You need this visa if the travel period on your current permanent visa has expired or is about to expire.


You might be able to get this visa if:

  • you are a current or former Australian permanent resident, or a former Australian citizen.

Processing Times

Five Year Resident Return

  • 75 per cent of applications processed in 2 days
  • 90 per cent of applications processed in 6 days